Michelle and Gary's Baby Shower at

UC Berkeley

Gary Loves Michelle, Even With Her New Surface To Volume Ratio.

David, Jim, and Errol

Sybil (The Sybil; before the Michelle Sybil) made it to the shower; could be a new chapter in her book.

The gifts piled on - quilt, blankeys, cute (yellow!) outfits. Teddy bear, puppet. Mmmm, chocolate and raspberry ice cream cake.

Thanks to the Great MCB Instructional Support Group. Thanks, Nathan for taking the photos.

What will the baby be? Stay Tuned.

Go to WEDDING page : www.biopatent.com/wedding.html

Go to HONEYMOON page : www.biopatent.com/honeymoon.html

Go to MICHELLE and GARY page : www.biopatent.com/prewedding2.html